TwinTrail Racing Team

Albert Martín, prepared for the second round of the Spanish TT Raids Championship

Today starts the Cuenca TT Rally, the second round of the Spanish TT Raids Championship with the participation of the KLIM TwinTrail rider Albert Martín.

After participating in the Rallye du Maroc the KLM TwinTrail Racing rider Albert Martín focuses on the Spanish Raid Championship. This weekend the VII Rally TT Cuenca will be held, the second round scoring for the national championship.

The race begins today Friday with the prologue stage, a 12km super special that will define the starting order of the first day of the Cuenca Rally. On Saturday the riders will face the longest stage of the weekend, with 195km. Finally, on Sunday the VII edition of the La Mancha race will be completed with a 110km special.

The KLIM TwinTrail Racing rider Albert Martín is taking part in the Spanish Raid Championship for the first time and he does so with the aim of continuing to prepare his debut in the Dakar Rally next January, a race in which he will participate in the “Originals by Motul” category, without assistance. He started the national championship on the right foot, achieving victory in the enduro category of the first round of the Spanish event in Baja Extremadura, ahead of Javi Vega and Rubén Saldaña. After a few months of motocross training and some races such as the Rallye du Maroc or the Dinaric Rally, the Spanish rider hopes to continue fighting for the 2021 Spanish TT Raids Championship: I will go full throttle to get the 50 points and take the lead and thus arrive more relaxed at the last round of the championship.


Registered riders

Programme Rallye TT Cuenca


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