Hellas Rally 2021

23 – 30 May 2021

The entire TwinTrail Racing Team will participate in the next edition of the Hellas Rally as a form of physical, mechanical, and navigation training for the Dakar Rally.

The proximity of dates with the Andalusia Rally makes the Hellas Rally a perfect test to learn to dose and manage fatigue. Furthermore, the riders will not race with the 450 Rally in the Hellas Rally, they are participating with bigger cylinder capacity motorbikes and much more weight, to have to make that extra effort as a serious training for the Dakar 2022.

Both Carles and Isaac have previously participated in the Hellas Rally. Isaac was proclaimed champion in M3 in 2016 and third place in M5 in 2018, while Carles was fifth in M5 in 2018.

The Hellas Rally is one of the best navigation raids in Europe and undoubtedly a good endurance test to face the toughness of the Dakar 2022.


Follow the team’s preparation for Hellas Rally with the Road To Hellas videos!